What a year!!

Hi sugary sweet and diabetes enduced cute honey guys!! Its been so long. Ive been amazing and blessed thanks for asking!! Its almost Christmas. Doesnt it come round so fast? It seems like you get one year out of the way, then another one is round the corner! A lot has happened this past year as you know. KOLA finally got certified orgasmic even though its been certified orgasmic for 2 years and is now huge as it goes on sale in chemists in Australia. Fling was born and is almost one year old. In his short life, he has travelled more than most adults will in their entire lives. Fling met some of my family for the first time while it was all being filmed for TV. Fling celebrated his first Halloween with his nanny… I mean adult friend while I partied all night and O did his own thing. I got my kit off again, I am a rose, not a sunflower after all!!  More importanly than all that put together – I got the VS Fantasy Bra while the whole world applauded me and were jealous of me. I cant wait to show Fling all my work when he grows up, I’ll invite all his male friends round and show them too. Oh, and I saw O’s mother the other week, well, she saw the back of my head as I walked ahead of her ignorantly but I could smell her and hear her slurps of ice cream devouring so I knew she was there.

Anyway hons, what have you been up to this past year, what are you doing for Christmas and what do you want for next year? Me? I will be spending Christmas in Australia with MY family. Next year is also the end of the world, dont forget to write it in your calendar but dont worry as I am so wonderful and perfect, me and my KOLA will rebuild and repopulate the planet once again!

18 thoughts on “What a year!!

  1. OMG!!! BABYDOLL!! Its been so long! You have been so busy and your little family have been amazing to watch this past year! I watched the VSFS and just melted when i saw Orlando cheering you on so proud wasn’t he? I actually had my Sally’s confidential fashion show and I actually also had the dream bra which was made out of beads and grass! I also had one of my boyfriends-Roland calling for me telling everyone in the audience that he was fucking me, he was so proud!
    I have been so busy too, my doll that I gave birth to is a year old soon too, and he hasnt grown which is odd, but I think e likes being small! I get recognised wherever I go, just like you. We have come so far havent we?

    My wish for this new year is that I get to have sex with Orlando-no offence Hun, it is just a dream after all!

    Miranda Caesarian

    • Hi sweetheart! Yes he was cheering me. I wired his seat so his flat ass got electrocuted when I wanted him to cheer. Isnt he a darling and such a supportive hubby wubby! Oh wow, your bra sounds so beautiful and organic!! Yes same here, Fling should be crawling and standing on his own by now but he just gets carried everywhere, he is so lazy! No offense taken hon, a few people here and there want to sleep with O but they are usually weird, blind and mad. Love, Therese xxx

  2. Miranda!! My love! My darling lady how I love and miss you!!

    I have been following you, your career and am just in love with you and your little family, Fling is adorable and when I see photos of Orlando with Fling I wet myself with the pure beauty of it! I have also been making Tee shirts of the pap pics of you all and I hate the paps so much for bothering you and Orlando all the time! I love you all so much, more so now than I ever have, I see you as my family, Fling as my own child! I love to go all over the net talking about you non-stop, and protecting you from horrids! I love you and I always will, Orlando chose the best woman in the world for his wife and mother of his child, and Fling is the DOUBLE of Orlando, the fact you love each other so much is just so wonderful. My biggest wish s that you stay together forever so I have things to do in my life xx

    • Hey Helena babe! How are you? Im good thank you. Thats so sweet of you honey, making tee’s with our pictures on. Please make sure you use a picture of me smiling at the paps (I loathe the evil stalkers) as there will be more to chose from. Thanks for protecting us sweet pea but you should just rise above it. If you bite you show them you are bothered by the evil lies they say. Besides, we can all look after ourselves thanks very much!!!!! Yes Fling is the spit of O, from his thin hair to his jaw jut. Nice wish hon but dont you have a family or life of your own? Love Miranda xxx

  3. eye miranda! yew have been gon for aygiz, i miss yer and it has bean not the sayme, i now tri to luk lyke yew because yew ar sew bewtiful, i hav dun sum mor drawrings of yew and i hav sent sum presints to yew and orlanda, for yew ther is a undurware set from VS, i hope yew lyke them and orlanda too! For orlanda i got him sumthing called a fleshlight which is i fink a torch, i fownd it in my bruthers bedrum, he is at collidge and he wont mynd!
    love yew! happy chrissmass my wish is for a man to luv me lyke orlanda luvs yew!

    • Hi Melissa! I cant understand a word you are saying but I think you are saying how much you love KOLA and me, correct? O could always use anothr torch. He some how gets trapped under the stairs for days on end so will need some light in there. Nice wish but you are no rose hon, more like a weed. Love Miranda xxx

  4. Miranda! Where have you been you naughty gilr??!! I have been busy myself, but not as busy as you! I have been in a field most of the year, breastfeeding like you! But they sell my milk! Still maybe you could sell yours? I think a lot of the buyers would be men, like your hubby! Congratulations on Fling reaching one year next month! He looks young for his age-just like you!! You must be both proud of him! May I ask, is it true that VS have let you go?

    • Hey Cowie, sugar lump! A field is so beautiful, close to nature! I sell my milk too. All the guys from La Coq Gym get their milk from me 🙂 . Yes Fling does look young. I use the whole range of KOLA on his baby skin. He cries when I put it on and he goes a bit red but I just think he has wind from eating too much organic bird seed. VS have not let me go, they would never let me go. If I go it will be because I leave, no other reason ok!!! Love Miranda xxx

  5. Bonjour Miranda!
    Sorry I have not been here myself, I have been too busy on the beautiful Kate Bosworth’s FB page. I am here though to ask you again if Orlando would send me his eyes so I can stop manipulating them over my own in photos, it would make my life so much easier! Please ask him again, his lids are getting so hooded lately that he will not need them anyway soon!

    • Hi Basil hon! Im sorry you have been mentally ill and in need of electric shock therapy! A dose of nini juice and a splash of KOLA should help you. Email Tummy at tummy@kolaorgasmics.org , she will advise you which KOLA product is best for your mental breakdown. I think O uses his eyes a few times a week. As he somehow gets trapped ina dark room most the week in the dark, he doesnt need them every day. His lids are just as hooded sugar, are you sure :/ Love Miranda xxx

  6. Miranda! what joy to hear from you! My life is enriched by you being on this earth, you seem to be more beautiful day after day! Motherhood suits you, and you are one hot momma! You even make breastfeeding sexy!! I look up to you like the whole world does, you are PERFECTION!

    Therese xxx

    • Hi Sarah sugar. Me being on this earth is a gift. I bring life to all. With my words of wisdom, miraculous skin creams and best selling book, I am a guru, a saint, a god!! But as you know I dont like to discuss such things. Love Miranda xxx

  7. OH! I forgot to tell you! I have been fighting battles for you, those horrible women saying you are bitch and not real! I set them straight!


  8. Miranda! Just want to say-keep up the good work. You are indeed a guru, a goddess for young women, and I would have no hesitation in recommending you to other peoples daughters.

    • Hey Deep baby!! I know you bow to me now! Yes, I am a perfect role model for all females. Strip, get naked, sexualize, strut in underwear, be a thinsiration, get breast implants. Whats not to inspire to? Thanks Deeppacked hon, love Miranda xxx

  9. Miranda, I also must tell you that I worship you so much, and believe me that I say I devote my 45 years of age to you, I will do all you ask, and even stuff you do not, I already am on just jared posting as some haters to attack them, and I hate them all! They are such negative, evil people, yet I cant stop hating them, but as you will agree that is allowed yes?


    • Helena. I think it may be a good idea if you turned off your computer over the Chirstmas period to spend time with your loved ones in real life. You have done enough over this past year to last a life time. You sound like you would be a good mother to a photo, look after and cherish that photo! Love Miranda xxx

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